To test the 2 different drive we copied a series of jpegs onto a HDD and a SSD and then proceeded to delete and recover said files from the drives using increasing more involved secure delete methods followed by an attempted recovery of the drives. The results were eye opening. Started with a standard delete with a recovery, standard format followed by a recovery, secure delete (single pass) followed by recover, secure delete (5 pass) followed by recovery, secure delete (7 pass DoD) followed by recover and a TRIM delete of sectors in the SSD followed by recovery.
The below screen captures show the results of running Ontrack Easy Recovery on both a HDD and SSD. As you can see the program was able to find the directory unsamples on the HDD after a standard delete (it is on the raw data folder) and a standard format and secure delete (1 pass). Running it on a 5 pass secure delete it was only able to recover the drive control files. Following a 7 pass DoD the drive completely wipe with no trace of any files or partitions.
5 pass overwrite HDD:
7 pass overwrite (DoD) on HDD:
secure deletion HDD:
standard Deletion HDD:
Standard format recovery HDD:
SSD Standard overwrite(DoD):
Ssd 5 pass overwrite:
After I tested the limits of the flash drive it started to cause problems for my pc like freezing and not scanning properly i think i did too many overwrites and corrupt some of the below is the error i get when i try to erase it: